[:en]Reasons why customers should feel confident in Superba™ and Aker BioMarine[:es]Razones por las que los clientes deben confiar en Superba™ y Aker BioMarine.[:fr]Les raisons pour lesquelles les clients peuvent avoir confiance en Superba™ et Aker BioMarine.[:]
[:en] Aker BioMarine possess two technologies that are unique to the omega-3 marketplace – Eco-Harvesting® and Flexitech™. When competing, krill oil brands buy their krill from different suppliers, while Aker BioMarine is the only krill supplier with full control over their entire harvesting and production process. Aker BioMarine owns two… Leer más »[:en]Reasons why customers should feel confident in Superba™ and Aker BioMarine[:es]Razones por las que los clientes deben confiar en Superba™ y Aker BioMarine.[:fr]Les raisons pour lesquelles les clients peuvent avoir confiance en Superba™ et Aker BioMarine.[:]