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Solchem Nature como expositor en la última edición de Vitafoods 2018

Solchem ha participado como expositor en la última edición de Vitafoods, (Ginebra 2018) con el stand A64. Estamos muy satisfechos con los resultados de esta edición y ya nos estamos preparando para la próxima en 2019, en la que estaremos presentes en el stand (E68). En esta pasada feria hemos… Leer más »Solchem Nature como expositor en la última edición de Vitafoods 2018

[:en]Peptan in Barcelona and Madrid buses[:es]Peptan en buses de Barcelona y Madrid.[:it]Peptan negli autobus di Barcelona e Madrid[:fr]Peptan sur les bus de Barcelone et Madrid[:]

[:en]Rousselot has recently launched a campaign in Barcelona and Madrid buses promoting bioactive collagen peptides Peptan®, with a clear message that connects with a healthy lifestyle, fit bones and joints and an optimal sports performance. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=»10″ gal_title=»Peptan Buses»] [:es]Rousselot ha lanzado recientemente una campaña en buses de Barcelona y… Leer más »[:en]Peptan in Barcelona and Madrid buses[:es]Peptan en buses de Barcelona y Madrid.[:it]Peptan negli autobus di Barcelona e Madrid[:fr]Peptan sur les bus de Barcelone et Madrid[:]

[:en]Solchem changes its offices[:es]Solchem cambia de oficinas[:fr]SOLCHEM A DÉMÉNAGÉ SES BUREAUX[:]

[:en]We inform you that Solchem Nature SLU has changed its address. The new offices are in: C/Aragón, 119, Entresuelo 08015 Barcelona. [:es]Les informamos que Solchem Nature SLU ha cambiado la dirección postal. Las nuevas oficinas están en: C/ Aragón, 119, Entresuelo. 08015 Barcelona. [:fr]Nous vous informons que Solchem Nature SLU… Leer más »[:en]Solchem changes its offices[:es]Solchem cambia de oficinas[:fr]SOLCHEM A DÉMÉNAGÉ SES BUREAUX[:]

[:en]Testofen® is completely safe for sports performance[:es]Testofen® es totalmente seguro para deportistas[:fr]TESTOFEN EST ENTIÈREMENT SÉCURISÉ POUR LES SPORTIFS[:]

[:en]Recently, GENCOR PACIFIC, the manufacturer of Testofen® , has given us an analytical report about forbiden substances for sport persons included in WADA list (World Anti-Doping Agency). This report was carried out by NSF International Europe. The results obtained shows the absenceof more than 200 substances included in the list… Leer más »[:en]Testofen® is completely safe for sports performance[:es]Testofen® es totalmente seguro para deportistas[:fr]TESTOFEN EST ENTIÈREMENT SÉCURISÉ POUR LES SPORTIFS[:]

[:en]Solchem at Vitafoods 2017[:es]Solchem en Vitafoods 2017[:fr]SOLCHEM VITAFOODS 2017[:]

[:en] Solchem Nature has recently participated as an exhibitor at the last edition of Vitafoods Europe 2017. As always, the great affluence of audiences around the world has resulted in a successful and rewarding experience. From Solchem we want to thank all those who visit us at our stand and we hope… Leer más »[:en]Solchem at Vitafoods 2017[:es]Solchem en Vitafoods 2017[:fr]SOLCHEM VITAFOODS 2017[:]

[:en]Rousselot annual meeting in Belgium[:es]Reunión anual de Rousselot en Bélgica[:fr]RÉUNION ANNUELLE DE ROUSSELOT EN BELGIQUE[:]

[:en]Last March 2017, Peptan®’s annual distributor meeting took place in the beautiful city of Ghent, Belgium. This meeting was organized by the company Rousselot, manufacturer of peptides of hydrolyzed collagen Peptan®, and Solchem Nature attended on behalf of Spain and Italy. Distributors from Germany, United Kingdom and Belgium also attended… Leer más »[:en]Rousselot annual meeting in Belgium[:es]Reunión anual de Rousselot en Bélgica[:fr]RÉUNION ANNUELLE DE ROUSSELOT EN BELGIQUE[:]
