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[:en]Peptan in Barcelona and Madrid buses[:es]Peptan en buses de Barcelona y Madrid.[:it]Peptan negli autobus di Barcelona e Madrid[:fr]Peptan sur les bus de Barcelone et Madrid[:]

[:en]Rousselot has recently launched a campaign in Barcelona and Madrid buses promoting bioactive collagen peptides Peptan®, with a clear message that connects with a healthy lifestyle, fit bones and joints and an optimal sports performance. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=»10″ gal_title=»Peptan Buses»] [:es]Rousselot ha lanzado recientemente una campaña en buses de Barcelona y… Leer más »[:en]Peptan in Barcelona and Madrid buses[:es]Peptan en buses de Barcelona y Madrid.[:it]Peptan negli autobus di Barcelona e Madrid[:fr]Peptan sur les bus de Barcelone et Madrid[:]

[:en]Solchem changes its offices[:es]Solchem cambia de oficinas[:fr]SOLCHEM A DÉMÉNAGÉ SES BUREAUX[:]

[:en]We inform you that Solchem Nature SLU has changed its address. The new offices are in: C/Aragón, 119, Entresuelo 08015 Barcelona. [:es]Les informamos que Solchem Nature SLU ha cambiado la dirección postal. Las nuevas oficinas están en: C/ Aragón, 119, Entresuelo. 08015 Barcelona. [:fr]Nous vous informons que Solchem Nature SLU… Leer más »[:en]Solchem changes its offices[:es]Solchem cambia de oficinas[:fr]SOLCHEM A DÉMÉNAGÉ SES BUREAUX[:]

[:en]Testofen® is completely safe for sports performance[:es]Testofen® es totalmente seguro para deportistas[:fr]TESTOFEN EST ENTIÈREMENT SÉCURISÉ POUR LES SPORTIFS[:]

[:en]Recently, GENCOR PACIFIC, the manufacturer of Testofen® , has given us an analytical report about forbiden substances for sport persons included in WADA list (World Anti-Doping Agency). This report was carried out by NSF International Europe. The results obtained shows the absenceof more than 200 substances included in the list… Leer más »[:en]Testofen® is completely safe for sports performance[:es]Testofen® es totalmente seguro para deportistas[:fr]TESTOFEN EST ENTIÈREMENT SÉCURISÉ POUR LES SPORTIFS[:]

[:en]Solchem at Vitafoods 2017[:es]Solchem en Vitafoods 2017[:fr]SOLCHEM VITAFOODS 2017[:]

[:en] Solchem Nature has recently participated as an exhibitor at the last edition of Vitafoods Europe 2017. As always, the great affluence of audiences around the world has resulted in a successful and rewarding experience. From Solchem we want to thank all those who visit us at our stand and we hope… Leer más »[:en]Solchem at Vitafoods 2017[:es]Solchem en Vitafoods 2017[:fr]SOLCHEM VITAFOODS 2017[:]

[:en]Rousselot annual meeting in Belgium[:es]Reunión anual de Rousselot en Bélgica[:fr]RÉUNION ANNUELLE DE ROUSSELOT EN BELGIQUE[:]

[:en]Last March 2017, Peptan®’s annual distributor meeting took place in the beautiful city of Ghent, Belgium. This meeting was organized by the company Rousselot, manufacturer of peptides of hydrolyzed collagen Peptan®, and Solchem Nature attended on behalf of Spain and Italy. Distributors from Germany, United Kingdom and Belgium also attended… Leer más »[:en]Rousselot annual meeting in Belgium[:es]Reunión anual de Rousselot en Bélgica[:fr]RÉUNION ANNUELLE DE ROUSSELOT EN BELGIQUE[:]

[:es]Nutraceuticals Europe 2017: entrevista a José Manuel González[:fr]NUTRACEUTICALS EUROPE 2017 : INTERVIEW DE JOSÉ MANUEL GONZÁLEZ[:]

[:es]Solchem Nature acudió como expositor a la feria Nutraceuticals Europe, celebrada en Madrid del 22 al 23 de febrero de 2017. Tecnifood, preferent media partner del evento, entrevistó a José Manuel González, Director de Solchem, quien nos explica los últimos lanzamientos de la compañía, el balance del ejercicio 2016 y sus proyectos para… Leer más »[:es]Nutraceuticals Europe 2017: entrevista a José Manuel González[:fr]NUTRACEUTICALS EUROPE 2017 : INTERVIEW DE JOSÉ MANUEL GONZÁLEZ[:]
